To all of those who declared that we were hoarders of fabric - well we've just proved you wrong - we were preparing for days such as these. Finally, the perfect opportunity for many of you to catch up on those UFO's, although I am pretty sure there were many new projects started as well. I must say I am slightly envious as I worked through isolation at the office and when I wasn't working I spent 6 weeks moving house, so my UFOs are still UFOs - actually I not really sure where many of them are right now.
It has however been wonderful to watch what you have all been up to on our new WOW - What's on in Wandong Facebook Group. For those of you who have not become members yet, please join - there is so much going on, here's a sneak peek
With the lifting of restrictions, Fay is now comfortable to book dates of our WOW gatherings:
Friday July 17th
Friday August 14th
Friday September 18th
Friday October 16th
Friday November 20th
Friday December 4th - which will be our Christmas Lunch
Due to COVID Restrictions we will be trying to stick to the 4sqm rule - so please ensure that you advise Fay if you are attending so the room can be set up to suit the numbers attending.
At our first gathering we will be discussing dates for the Cheats Circle workshop - so bring your diaries along.
We will also be drawing the name of our next charity - so get your thinking hats on and bring the name of the accredited charity you would like to nominate.
We very much look forward to the first Bring and Brag session - I'm sure it will be a long one - even if you have posted photos on the FB Group - bring the quilts along if you can as many are not on FB and quilts always look so much more spectacular in real life.
During the break Karin and I have sorted and bundled our stash of WOW donated fabrics which will be going onto the Raffle table over the next couple of months - so please do not bring along any more fabrics until we put out a request.
As you all are aware the Harrietville Retreat was cancelled for 2020, all those ladies who were booked in for 2020 have had their registrations transferred over to 2021. On the 1st of July Fay will reopen her booking sheet for 2021 Vacancies.
Helen Godden has kindly allowed us to reschedule her workshops for the 5th, 6th & 7th of October. These workshops look very exciting,they are a wonderful opportunity to build your confidence in free motion quilting.
Fay will be following up with the ladies who had already booked for the original dates. If you haven't yet registered and would like to learn more please contact Fay.
Monday 5th - Tuesday 6th of October Flying Into Colours – 2 day class/project based – painting a design with acrylic paint & micro quilting to completion – over 20 design choices - $230 plus $10 to cover use of Helen's paints The class cost includes almost everything you will need to create one of these gorgeous designs.
Wednesday 7th of October Arty Farty Sunflowers – 1 day/project based – painting with dye raw edge appliqué & quilting to finish – Sunflowers, iris or poppy - $120 plus $10 to cover use of Helen's paints The class cost includes almost everything you will need to create this wonderful piece of art.
If you are planning on doing both workshops the paint fee will be $15 which will cover your paints for both workshops.
We hope to see you at the upcoming WOW Gatherings - please don't come along if you are feeling unwell. Stay safe, keep up your good hygiene practices and keep on sewing.