This is a year many of us are so happy to see the end of. It’s been such a year of ups and downs, unfortunately more downs than ups. However, it was so nice to be able to stay in touch with our friends in the In2quilting community even if it was remotely.
We started out the year excited about catching up with friends after the Christmas break but not long after turned our attention to making pouches for wildlife, due to the terrible fires throughout Victoria.
Soon enough we entered our first lockdown. In an effort to keep our ladies in touch with each other during this time we decided to start up a group page on Facebook which allowed them to post photos of their progress, their finished quilts, swap recipes and offer each other encouragement. Many of our ladies embraced this platform and we hope it contributed to helping them get through the lengthy lockdown.
Due to the ongoing lockdown, Harrietville was postponed to 2021. We were all so disappointed however, this inspired another Bring and Brag via Facebook.
In July in an effort to help alleviate the boredom of lockdown, Fay introduced the ISO Project. This was a Mystery Sew a Long project. It was a Mystery because of the way it was presented and because how it was interpreted by everyone. There were 2 Themes to choose from. Nature or Christmas. It was wonderful to see the uptake of this challenge, with not only the ladies from WOW but from far and wide throughout Victoria. It was so inspiring and wonderful to see the many different interpretations of Fay’s instructions.
After such a tumultuous year, we really hope that we can maintain our new COVID normal into 2021 so that we can resume our WOW gatherings and meet up in Harrietville in May.
We will be in touch later in January to advise you all of any dates that Fay has been able to set for gatherings, workshops and updates on Harrietville.
Until then stay safe, Happy New Year and keep on sewing.
Fay & Annika