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Annika Phasey

What's On in Wandong

Fay is feeling so much better. As her health improves, the activities happening at In2Quilting increase, which means there is a lot happening and planned for the What's on at Wandong (WOW) In2quilting groups.

A cleanup and itemisation of the items donated to the charity day has been completed. Planning is now underway for construction days to make items for the charity table. If you have any ideas about items to make for the table and would like to volunteer for construction days please let Fay know.

Already this month there has been the very popular Pineapple Workshop. There are now a very happy group of ladies very much at risk of becoming addicted to the Pineapple Block. It will be exciting to see their quilts growing over the coming months.

At the WOW Sit and Sew, many of the ladies who were at the Pineapple Workshop continued with their blocks, while others carried on with other projects. Fay enlisted more ladies to the Hands On group after a viewing and discussion about the techniques she uses on the Lucy Boston quilt and the future La Pasacaglia quilt starting next year, with a few more ladies considering joining.

For more photos from the workshops and the WOW Sit and Sews why not visit our Flickr site.

If you plan on attending the Basic Machine Quilting course, it will be held on Friday November 14th (same day as the WOW Sit and Sew - so no tutoring from Fay for sit and sew ladies) The cost will be $50 payable on the day. Fay will be sending out a requirements list on Thursday or Friday this week. Please contact Fay if you do not receive one.

Fay suggested that you may wish to purchase a pair of gardening gloves from Aldi for machine quilting with. They have great grip and allow your hands to breathe. Cut of the finger tips to allow natural touch. Great news they are on sale this Saturday the 22nd.

With Christmas closing in fast, planning is underway for the Christmas Lunch. If you a planning on coming to the Christmas lunch it is imperative that you register with Fay by November. The Christmas lunch will be held on Friday the 9th of December. This will enable the planning of who brings what and how many tables and chairs to place out.

There will be a Dear Jane held at the Christmas lunch - If you plan on participating this is how a Dear Jane Works.

Make or purchase 3 small individual gifts, they shouldn't be 3 identical items as you will be delivering them to the same person. They should be wrapped with no name attached.

At the start of the day Fay will ask - who is participating in Dear Jane. Each name will be put into a bucket after which you will be asked to select a name.

Throughout the day it is your challenge to deliver the gifts one at a time to the person who you have selected, without them spotting you or working out that you are the person delivering the gifts (yes all three gifts to the same person).

The gifts can be cooked/baked, crocheted, knitted, a potted plant, sewn, bought or even a re-gifted item with no set value.

At the end of they day you will be asked to reveal yourself as the secret gift giver. So put your thinking caps on ladies.

Fay also outlined her plans for workshops for 2017.

The Basic Machine Quilting will be repeated. She may also repeat the Circle workshop and the specialty ruler workshops dependent on interest shown. There will be a new workshop introduced called the Affirmation Quilt - which will be a two day workshop. There will also be Wet Studio workshops for Sun-dying, Block and screen printing along with some other great dying techniques. Fay will also be introducing one day scrap quilt workshops regularly throughout the year. So please let Fay know which workshops interest you the most.

Finally - shop news. Fay is currently clearing old stock as she is in the middle of a major renovation and will be ordering in new fabrics. There will soon be a new range of Crackle and Fossil Ferns. Fay is clearing out her current range of Homespuns which she will no longer be stocking as she will be replacing it with Percales.

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