Yesterday I spent the afternoon with Fay downloading photos to add to the in2quilting Flickr site, Facebook and the website. While doing so we came across this little treasure of a photo.
Which prompts the question is it wise to ask a quilter to babysit?
Well naturally it is as long as the baby or children are ever so patient and can wait for the quilter to finish the row they are on, or can "just hold on until I have finished squaring up these blocks".
I guess the constant whirring of the sewing machine can be somewhat soothing to a grizzly baby, not to mention the treasure trove of wonders a sewing room can hold to a curious toddler.
Of course we'll babysit but it does come with some risks and conditions.
However, for the older, more curious child it can be a great learning opportunity.
Fay very much enjoys teaching the younger generations the joys of sewing.
As we are currently populating Flickr with photos of in2quilting activities we would like to put the call out to any ladies out there who may have photos from any workshops or retreats to please either email them or bring them along to the then next Wow gathering. If emailing photos please include a description of the photo ie, workshop, whose quilt etc.
Photos can be emailed to - this address is for sending photos only, you will not be able to contact Fay on this address.
Places are filling quickly on the Retreat - if you would still like to register or if you need to pull out please contact Fay asap on If you are paying via the payment plan the first payment is due now in July.
Fay will be heading into hospital on Friday for her surgery and will be out of commission for the next two weeks at least. During this time she will be recuperating which means there will be no product mail outs and she will not be running the shop during this time.
The next WOW Gathering in Wandong is scheduled for the 26th of August. Note: that it was moved to accommodate Fays surgery and recovery time.